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At Muggymoose, we offer Thai Bodywork and Ayurveda trainings as well as shorter workshop opportunities.

Expand Yourself!

Upcoming Trainings

Please read below for our upcoming trainings and workshops . Our education is all done in person and coursework ranges in length. Registration is done via the links found below.

You can also register for our Thai Practitioner Trainings here.

Please let us know if questions!


Thai Yoga Bodywork Level 1: Foundational Training

Margaret working with Emily in Canal Park Studio

In collaboration with Thai Yoga Bodywork and Devanadi Yoga we bring to you this 36 hour training held in Duluth Minnesota. This course is the first training of Thai Yoga Bodywork’s 300 hour practitioner training. More information below:

When: Two Upcoming Options

Friday- Monday, August 22-25 2025 OR November 14-17 2025
8am – 5pm daily
Margaret Harstad, RTT
Muggymoose Massage and Thai Bodywork – 394 South Lake Ave, Duluth MN, 55802
Cost –
Level 1 Only: $600 ($700 after one month deadline )

Payment plan available: Pay $100 non-refundable deposit, then pay in full by the early bird date to receive the early bird pricing or your registration will be updated to reflect the regular pricing.
Early Bird Payment Details:
Pay in full by the early bird date to receive the early bird pricing or your registration will be updated to reflect the regular pricing.
CEs: 36 with NCBTMB & Yoga Alliance
With Margaret Harstad

This 36 hour training is the first course in the 300 Hour Thai Yoga Bodywork Practitioner Training & Certification Program with Tanya Boigenzahn. You will learn a complete sequence that will allow you to give a 1 to 1.5 hour Thai Yoga Bodywork session to another person.

Students will receive a manual outlining the Thai Yoga Bodywork techniques that is also filled with an appendix full of Energy Work techniques, chakra info, meditations, and more.


  • History and roots of Traditional Thai Massage

  • Benefits and contraindications of receiving as well as giving

  • Sequences including: Supine, Arms, Prone, Seated, and Relaxation

  • Techniques from a variety of positions as you partner up with another and practice in class

  • Ergonomics and proper body mechanics as a giver

  • The basics of our subtle anatomy (chakras, meridians, biofield)

  • How to assess the biofield and chakras before a session begins

  • Basic energy work techniques you can use in a session

  • Tools for growing your self care, intuition and healing skills

This intensive differs from other Thai Yoga Massage trainings in that you will also learn to assess the chakras, aura, and meridians of the body in order to facilitate your growth in both giving bodywork sessions, and also your own development as a healer. We also study Ayurveda, yoga, meditation and self-care tools.

Prerequisite: None. Knowledge of anatomy, yoga, bodywork is helpful, not required.

CANCELLATION POLICY: No refunds. This training requires 2 weeks notice of cancellation by phone or email. You will receive a studio credit, less $100 cancellation fee per registration. If cancel within 2 weeks, your payment is forfeited, and no studio credit will be given. No shows will receive no credit.

Early Bird Payment Details: Pay in full by the early bird date to receive the early bird pricing or your registration will be updated to reflect the regular pricing.



Thai Yoga Bodywork Level 2: Foundational Training

In collaboration with Thai Yoga Bodywork and Devanadi Yoga we bring to you this 36 hour training held in Duluth Minnesota. This course is the second training of Thai Yoga Bodywork’s 300 hour practitioner training. More information below:

When: Friday - Monday, January 9-12, 2026
8am – 5pm daily
Margaret Harstad, RTT
Muggymoose Massage and Thai Bodywork – 394 South Lake Ave, Duluth MN, 55802
Cost –
Level 2 Only: $600 ($700 after December 9, 2025)

Payment plan available: Pay $100 non-refundable deposit, then pay in full by the early bird date to receive the early bird pricing or your registration will be updated to reflect the regular pricing.
Early Bird Payment Details:
Pay in full by the early bird date to receive the early bird pricing or your registration will be updated to reflect the regular pricing.
CEs: 36 with NCBTMB & Yoga Alliance
With Margaret Harstad

This 36 hour training is the second course in the 300 Hour Thai Yoga Bodywork Practitioner Training & Certification Program with Thai Yoga Bodywork.

Students will learn how to create a 2 hour session that includes a full body treatment, as well as how to adjust their sessions depending on their client’s needs.

We will continue to learn how energy moves through the body from an Eastern perspective, and how this knowledge can help with relieving certain common conditions such as neck and shoulder pain, poor digestion, low energy, PMS, etc.


  • 3 new sequences: Side-lying, Inverted, and Abdominal

  • New sequences for Legs, Prone and Seated positions

  • Intermediate Thai Yoga Bodywork techniques that you can use in place of your Level 1 techniques for appropriate clients

  • Specific info on the Sen (meridians), acupressure points and methodology for various conditions

  • Basic foot and hand reflexology

  • New healing energy techniques connecting chakras and limbs

  • More about the tradition of Thai massage, including morning ceremony and how to make a puja table (fire offering)

Prerequisite: Level 1 or other Thai massage training (must get instructor’s approval), plus 10 practice sessions from your last training.

CANCELLATION POLICY: No refunds. This training requires 2 weeks notice of cancellation by phone or email. You will receive a studio credit, less $100 cancellation fee per registration. If cancel within 2 weeks, your payment is forfeited, and no studio credit will be given. No shows will receive no credit.

Early Bird Payment Details: Pay in full by the early bird date to receive the early bird pricing or your registration will be updated to reflect the regular pricing.


Intro to Thai Yoga Bodywork

When: Saturday March 15 and Sunday June 1
Margaret Harstad, RTT
Muggymoose Massage and Thai Bodywork – 394 South Lake Ave, Duluth MN, 55802
Cost –
$60 per person or $108 per twosome

Called “Nuad Boran” or “ancient healing” in Thailand, Thai Yoga Bodywork is a sacred healing treatment that integrates traditional Thai medicine, elemental theory (similar to Indian Ayurveda), and Buddhist spiritual practices.

Unique from other types of bodywork and massage, Thai Yoga Bodywork is also a form of Yoga Therapy that combines rhythmic massage, assisted Yoga poses, acupressure along pathways of movement in the body, healing energy work, and meditation.

This is a great add-on for yoga teachers, massage therapists, bodyworkers, energy workers, or anyone wishing to learn more about this amazing style of healing with roots in Yoga and Ayurveda.

Bring your honey and make it a Yogi Date!


  • Thai Yoga Bodywork history, benefits, and contraindications

  • How to give a therapeutic sequence for feet, legs, hips, back, upper back, neck, and shoulders

  • Basic relaxation techniques to perform at the end of a sequence. Students will pair up with a partner to give and receive (yay!) as you learn the techniques.

CEs: 3 CEUs for either Yoga Alliance or NCBTMB

Prerequisite: No experience necessary. All levels welcome. Certificate of completion given at end of workshop per request. Please register so that we know you are coming and can prepare it in advance. A manual is also prepared in advance for each student.

NOTE: Please bring a pillow and blanket, and a yoga mat if you have one.


Thai Bodywork for Partners

When: Sunday May 4
Margaret Harstad, RTT
Muggymoose Massage and Thai Bodywork – 394 South Lake Ave, Duluth MN, 55802
Cost –
$90 per twosome

Thai Bodywork is an ancient form of work from Thailand stemming back over 2500 years to the time of Buddha. In this class, we will pair up with a partner to ground, stretch, twist, breathe and take care of one another while we learn a sequence and alternate giving and receiving.

This workshop will guide you though some of the wonderfully relaxing, releasing and nurturing techniques of Thai Yoga Bodywork. Learn how to give a basic sequence of stress-releasing stretches, twists and massages to someone special in your life. Switch halfway though and receive the techniques yourself. No yoga experience necessary!

CANCELLATION POLICY: Seven Days notice required for full refund.


Foundations of Ayurveda

photo credit @freepik

Ayurveda, the sister science of Yoga, is an ancient healing art designed to help people live healthy and balanced lives. The term Ayurveda is taken from the Sanskrit words “Ayus”, meaning life and “Veda”, meaning the knowledge or the science of.

The Sanskrit Ayus + Veda = Ayurveda, the knowledge or science of life

Through this ancient practice we will learn to honor, love and support our bodies, minds and hearts in the most holistic way possible. We will learn the three doshas that affect our bodies and minds: Vata, Pitta and Kapha and we will explore the ways to regulate the imbalances within us utilizing diet, lifestyle, sleep and daily practices.

We will have so much fun in this weekend working with food, lifestyle, diet, some cooking, some self care practices! No previous experience with Ayurveda needed. CE Credits given on request from YA.

Read more on Foundations of Ayurveda



Private Classes

Contact us to schedule a private class in the studio or at your location. There is no experience necessary for any of these classes. Try something new and schedule a class with some loved ones! Classes have a 6 person minimum at $210, or $35 per person. Read below to learn about some of our private class options...


Partner Yoga for Families



Family Partner Yoga is a 75 minute class designed for partners -- one child (grades 1-4) and one adult.  We will be moving through Partner Yoga and Thai Massage Techniques and have a TON OF FUN. 


Thai Bodywork for Partners Workshop



Thai Bodywork is an ancient form of work from Thailand stemming back over 2500 years to the time of Buddha. In this class, we will pair up with a partner to ground, stretch, twist, breathe and take care of one another while we learn a sequence and alternate giving and receiving. Take home a manual and duplicate the practice at home.


Essential Restorative Yoga



Take time to restore with this luxurious class that combines Restorative Yoga, Thai Style Touch and essential oils. Students rest in restorative poses and the instructor provides and applies hands-­on work and essential oils to every participant in every pose. 


Yogi Date Night


Partner postures are done together working with balance, support, trust, strength, and flexibility. Learn the relaxing, releasing and nurturing benefits of Thai Yoga Bodywork with one another. Also, learn to read and understand one another's Chakras. You are welcome to sign up with a friend, child, or yoga buddy. Poses are taught for a variety of levels for all to enjoy. 

Drumming Circles