Intro to Thai Bodywork - March 15 or June 1


Intro to Thai Bodywork - March 15 or June 1


When: Saturday March 15 and Sunday June 1
Margaret Harstad, RTT
Muggymoose Massage and Thai Bodywork – 394 South Lake Ave, Duluth MN, 55802
Cost –
$60 per person or $108 per twosome

Called “Nuad Boran” or “ancient healing” in Thailand, Thai Yoga Bodywork is a sacred healing treatment that integrates traditional Thai medicine, elemental theory (similar to Indian Ayurveda), and Buddhist spiritual practices.

Unique from other types of bodywork and massage, Thai Yoga Bodywork is also a form of Yoga Therapy that combines rhythmic massage, assisted Yoga poses, acupressure along pathways of movement in the body, healing energy work, and meditation.

This is a great add-on for yoga teachers, massage therapists, bodyworkers, energy workers, or anyone wishing to learn more about this amazing style of healing with roots in Yoga and Ayurveda.

Bring your honey and make it a Yogi Date!


  • Thai Yoga Bodywork history, benefits, and contraindications

  • How to give a therapeutic sequence for feet, legs, hips, back, upper back, neck, and shoulders

  • Basic relaxation techniques to perform at the end of a sequence. Students will pair up with a partner to give and receive (yay!) as you learn the techniques.

CEs: 3 CEUs for either Yoga Alliance or NCBTMB

Prerequisite: No experience necessary. All levels welcome. Certificate of completion given at end of workshop per request. Please register so that we know you are coming and can prepare it in advance. A manual is also prepared in advance for each student.

NOTE: Please bring a pillow and blanket, and a yoga mat if you have one.

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