Colorful. Qualified. Calm. Expand Yourself.

Muggymoose has specialized in Thai Bodywork and Therapeutic Table Massage for nineteen years.  Other specialized therapies include:  Ayurvedic Consults and Specialty Treatments, Traditional Ashiatsu, Chi Nei Tsang, Myofascial Release, Lymphatic Facilitation, Somatic Retraining, Herbal Compress, Tok Sen, Yoga Trapeze, Reiki and Warm Bamboo Massage. We also hold a variety of Thai + Ayurvedic Trainings.

Long standing, highly trained, we value the integrity of experience in all that we practice and teach.


Ready to schedule an appt now? Visit our Online Scheduler.

looking for an appt less than 18hours away? please call or text.

Duluth, mn | thai bodywork | table massage | shiatsu | Ashiatsu | energy medicine | wellness | abdominal massage | ayurveda | wellness consults | Ayurvedic consults | Ayurvedic services | myofascial release

Thai Yoga Bodywork

Healing through ancient modalities

Margaret and Emily specialize in Thai Bodywork. During these unique and intimate sessions, clients experience rhythmic massage, deep stretching, assisted Yoga poses, and acupressure along the Thai Meridians knowns as Sen Lines. Learn what to expect from a Thai Bodywork session.

Another possibility is to add on LUK PRA KOB (Hot Herbal Compress) or TOK SEN (tapping the sen). Learn more about Luk Pra Kob or Tok Sen, and incorporate these treatments into your next Thai Bodywork, Chi Nei Tsang or Table session.

Read here for trainings + workshops in Thai.

Duluth, mn | thai bodywork | table massage | shiatsu | Ashiatsu | energy medicine | wellness | abdominal massage | ayurveda | wellness consults | Ayurvedic consults | Ayurvedic services | myofascial release

Therapeutic Massage

experience relief with certified therapists

We offer integrative experiences which adapt to clients individual needs. Depending on your therapist, this may include deep tissue, Ayurvedic Therapies, AromaTouch, Essential Oils, Partners Massage, Myofascial Release, Traditional Ashiatsu, Chi Nei Tsang, Warm Bamboo Massage, Pre/Postnatal Massage, Tok Sen and more. If you would like to create a package or have multiple therapies with the same or different therapists, we welcome the situation. Please click on links above to learn more about each therapy!

We are fully committed to the health of the human body + mind + soul.

Duluth, mn | thai bodywork | table massage | shiatsu | Ashiatsu | energy medicine | wellness | abdominal massage | ayurveda | wellness consults | Ayurvedic consults | Ayurvedic services | myofascial release

Traditional Ashiastu

ashi = foot / shiatsu = pressure

This Chinese bodywork uses the feet to apply pressure. The therapist is able to access pain or ashi, being released to the surface, thus resolving long standing pain that contributes to dis-ease of the body. Using Chinese meridian mapping, each section of the body correlates to its form and functions.

The client is fully clothed and bars are used overhead, to allow the therapist to properly distribute weight. It is an unforgettable, deeply healing experience.

Chi Nei Tsang

releasing negative energy blockages

Chi Nei Tsang (CNT) is an ancient form of abdominal massage from China.  Margaret also blends in Thai techniques to train the internal organs to work more efficiently, improving physical and emotional health.  

This is also finished off nicely with LUK PRA KOB, which helps draws toxins out of the wind gate of the belly button. Also nice to fold in is TOK SEN, which softens the organs prior to deeper work. CNT is a deeply cleansing work, emotionally and physically.

Duluth, mn | thai bodywork | table massage | shiatsu | Ashiatsu | energy medicine | wellness | abdominal massage | ayurveda | wellness consults | Ayurvedic consults | Ayurvedic services | myofascial release | virtual wellness consulting

Specialty Sampler Packages

experience all of the bliss

At Muggymoose we have so many different types of Bodywork. How do you know what to choose? Truth be known, many of our therapies will help rejuvenate your body, mind and soul. Let us help guide the way.

These packages are put together as either four 60 minute sessions or four ninety minute sessions, where you receive a different therapy from each of our four therapists. Read the details here or buy a sampler package here.

Duluth, mn | thai bodywork | table massage | shiatsu | Ashiatsu | energy medicine | wellness | abdominal massage | ayurveda | wellness consults | Ayurvedic consults | Ayurvedic services | myofascial release | virtual wellness consulting


ayurvedic bodywork, Consults + Products

As Ayurvedic Counselors, Margaret and Ella offer Ayurvedic health consults as well as a number of Ayurvedic Bodywork Treatments. During a consult, you will learn the basics of Ayurveda and receive lifestyle, food and daily practice recommendations for your specific constitution. To learn more about consulting, education and training click here. To learn more about Ayurvedic Bodywork services click here.


Thai Yoga Bodywork L1/2: Foundations

developing through ancient wisdom

These 36 hour trainings are the first courses in the 300 Hour Thai Yoga Bodywork Practitioner Training & Certification Program with Devanadi Yoga. You will learn a complete sequence that will allow you to give a 1 to 2 hour Thai Yoga Bodywork session to another person.

Next courses held

L1: August 22-25 2025 OR November 14-17 2025 L2: January 9-12, 2026

36 CE’s offered through NCBTMB or Yoga Alliance. To save $100 Early Bird ends October 15, 2024

Learn More and Register Here

Workshops + Trainings


Margaret offers workshops and trainings in Thai Yoga Bodywork and Ayurveda. On the classes pages of our website you will find more detailed information on all workshops and trainings. Below you will find information on bigger training programs coming up.

Thai Yoga Bodywork Level 1/2: Foundational Training; in collaboration with Devanadi Yoga + Thai Yoga Bodywork. Learn+Register Here