An Appointment for Calm

Visit our Online Scheduler to find a time that works for you. 



Open seven days a week (by appointment only)

Monday 9:00am - 7:00pm

Tuesday 9:00am - 7:00pm

Wednesday 9:00am - 7:00pm

Thursday 9:00am - 7:00pm

Friday 9:00am - 7:00pm 

Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Sunday, 9:00am - 5:00pm



Credit Cards, Cash or Checks accepted. City & State tax will be added at time of purchase. Prices vary depending on the service / type of appt. All rates are listed on the Online Scheduler.

You are welcome to purchase a gift certificate.

PACKAGE PRICING: Purchase four or more sessions and receive 10% off.



Prior to scheduling, please note our cancellation policy:  

Cancellation Policy:  We maintain a 48 hour cancellation policy.  For appointments cancelled in less than 48 hours, you will be charged half your total fee of the session.  

For no-shows, the client will be held responsible for the full session amount. A no show is considered anyone who cancels 90 minutes or less before their appointment or anyone later than 15 minutes.  If you are late to your session, please understand that we will not be able to give you the full time that you had booked. Thank you for your understanding.